

Saturday, May 3, 2014

A visit to Punten in photos

Yesterday after our half-day of language class I went to visit some other volunteers with Saaj, a girl in my class. It was roughly 45 minutes away by angkot then foot. It would have taken less time had we gone the whole way by angkot but that wouldn't have been as picturesque. Punten is a gorgeous place. 
Working backwards, this is a poster outside of my language class. Just took a picture of it because I haven't seen any evidence of recycling initiative here yet.

One cool thing I would have potentially never learned had I not come to Indonesia: Orangutang means "people of the forest" from the words "orang" meaning people and "hutan" meaning forest. It is thought to have originally been used by the Dutch to describe forest-dwelling people in Malaysia, not monkeys.

Sweet view of the mountains in Punten.

As one PCV so eloquently photoshopped it, this is what is so funny about bakso to us Americans. Usually the conversation with a stranger goes like this: "Miss, dari mana?" "Dari Amerika." "Oh Obama! Bakso!" *we nod*
Brick production is a big industry in Punten so we saw people hauling rocks out of the river a lot. I'm not exactlysure how the river rocks become red bricks but somehow it happens.

Also in rivers... Sorry for the lack of focus. 

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