

Friday, May 16, 2014

Site announcements!

You could cut the already thick and humid air with a knife this afternoon. We all went to the university today after teaching/observing in the morning to find out where on the island of Java we will all be living and working for the next two years. I've never been one to get nervous over decisions like this that are completely out of my control so I just watched everyone, bemused. 

Peace Corps staff drew a chalk map ("not to scale" Country Director Sheila warned us) on the sidewalk then called our names. There was clapping, there was tears and then our regional manager led us to our spot on the map. 
After. From my new perspective.
I'm relatively near the beach. Ish.
More perspective.
E'ryone else. East Java is more populated. 39 in East, 25 in West.

I don't want to form a lot of impressions before getting there but I already think I have the best school. It's a madrasa high school with 531 students. The school offers afterschool drama, martial arts and Arabic classes. It looks slightly urban but I can't really tell. I'll be living with a dad, mom, daughter (no age specified), maid and two twin neices. I'm also near some ID7's whom I've already met. They're an awesome married couple. 

In other news, I was extremely flattered to recieve the below poem from a student I taught the day before yesterday. The lesson was on expressions of love and sadness. For homework I assigned them to write a "roses are red" poem. I guess I should be careful what I ask for in the future. The other volunteers had a good laugh about it. Don't worry, I'm not into middle-school boys. 

1 comment:

  1. If i may ask, why is it only on west & east java? What about central java?

    Btw, fyi.. karawang is no way near the beach
